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An ADHD Diagnosis Doesn't Have to Mean Medication with Dana Kay HPC E:153

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Six million kids in America are diagnosed with ADHD - at least, that was the number in Fall 2021, but by the time this episode goes live, and by the time you're listening - it may have gone up.

ADHD expert and health practitioner Dana Kay asks a very important question about that number: How many of those diagnoses are *real* ADHD?

Her story will bring tears to your eyes but also hope to your heart, and after helping her own son find healing, this fierce mama bear is now on a mission so that other families with this diagnosis don't have to struggle like hers did.

The 2 BEST truth bombs of the interview?

1. I learned what it looks like when a child whose gut is inflamed stops eating gluten. This may change your life!
2. We established that chores build executive function, and since kids with ADHD struggle with executive function -- what better muscle to build than their pre-frontal lobe?!

Whether you have a child with ADHD in your life, struggle with any other neuro-diversity including anxiety, or just want to learn more about the gut-brain connection and how you can bring hope to other parents, this interview is a fast-paced winner.

We discuss:

* The powerful effect of the gut on our brain health and why that matters
* The 3 inflammatory foods Dana suggests all her client families remove (and some crazy effects beyond what you'd expect!)
* How community can make all the difference
* Her tough confession about how she felt about her son when he was at his worst (and why despair doesn't need to be in your vocabulary)
* The role of chores and cooking in a child's healing process
* The HOPE she offers to all families who aren't loving the slippery slope of medication (and the GRACE she offers to those who choose meds but want other options too)

Not only does Dana (pronounced "Dah-na") have a lovely Australian accent which will make you want to keep listening, she's a teacher and storyteller extraordinaire. Your brain will thank you!

Oh - and yes, we DO answer with a prediction about how many of those 6 million kids are probably "real" ADHD diagnoses...

Join Dana's open Facebook group for support if you'd love to be around more families of kids working on healing ADHD! https://www.facebook.com/groups/AdhdAnxietyParentSupport

Visit the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse and see how we teach children confidence in the kitchen: https://kidscookrealfood.com

Find all the Kids Cook Real Food Healthy Parenting Connector videos at https://youtu.be/GVRq0m-Ehe4
kitchenstew12345, kitchen stewardship, kids cook real food
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