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Beautiful Chinese Music【12】Traditional【The Wandering Songstress】

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CHINESE/ENGLISH - LYRICS:天涯呀海角 To the ends of the Earth
觅呀觅知音 I'm searching for you
小妹妹唱歌郎奏琴 To accompany me when i sing
郎呀咱们俩是一条心 My beloved, we share a single Heart
爱呀爱呀郎呀咱们俩是一条心 Ai-ya ai-ya My beloved,we share a single heart
家山呀北望 I look northward from my home
泪呀泪沾襟 And the tears well up
小妹妹想郎直到今 I've never stopped missing you
郎呀患难之交恩爱深 True loves in adversity
爱呀爱呀郎呀患难之交恩爱深 Ai-ya ai-ya true loves in adversity
人生呀谁不 Everyone in life
惜呀惜青春 Cherishes youth
小妹妹似线郎似针 I am the thread,you the needle
郎呀穿在一起不离分 We are together,never apart
爱呀爱呀郎呀穿在一起不离分 Ai-ya ai-ya we are together,never apart
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