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[MV] AirPlane(에어플레인) _ Back to the future(백투더퓨쳐)

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[MV] AirPlane(에어플레인) _ Back to the future(백투더퓨쳐)

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*English subtitles are now available. :D
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AirPlane is releasing its 4th single album, 'Back to the future'.

Bits of rock, big beat sound, and new jack swing are thrown into the album 'Back to the future'. It talks about their story in which their passion and pureness from when they first got into music to now would never change even if the world changes.

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エアプレインが4枚目のシングル(4th Single Album)「バック•トゥ•ザ•フューチャー(Back to the future)」をリリースする。

今回のアルバム「バック•トゥ•ザ•フューチャー(Back to the future)」は、ロック(Rock)とビッグビートサウンド(Big Beat Sound)、そしてニュジェクスイング(New Jack Swing)が加味された曲。自分たちが最初に音楽にはまった時から今まで、そして今後世界が変わっても、自分の情熱と純粋さは変わらないという話を盛り込んでいる。

에어플레인이 4번째 싱글 앨범(4th Single Album)을 '백투더퓨쳐(Back to the future)'를 발매한다.

이번 앨범 '백투더퓨쳐(Back to the future)'는 락(Rock)과 빅 비트 사운드(Big Beat Sound)와 뉴잭스윙(New Jack Swing)이 가미된 곡으로 자신들이 처음 음악에 빠져 들었을 때부터 지금까지 그리고 또 앞으로 세상이 바뀌어도 자신의 열정과 순수함은 변하지 않는다는 이야기를 담고 있다.
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