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Nancy Wilson - I'll Get Along Somehow - 1971

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You're tired of me,it's plain to see
I was just a mere sensation
How i need you , but I'll get along somehow

I wanted love, you promised love
All you gave was conversation
How I miss you, but I'll get along somehow

Darling all I have lift is
Just a picture of you
On which you wrote
But never meant the words 'I Love You'

I'm all alone, so all alone
I'm needing words of consolation
Friendless and blue, but I'll get along somehow .

You're right up on top now , and you want to be free
Why, you think you're too good, much too good for a nobody like me
You're afraid to present me to your friends in your set
Oh well, I guess it's best
But how soon you forget all the fine, fine things you said
And how just a little success, yes, just a little taste of success
Has gone straight to your pretty little head
I hold in my hand three letters, dear
Each from three different stages is your fine, super fine career
The first letter started , "Nancy, darling, sweetheart, my wonderful one
I'll always be grateful for the things that you've done"
The second letter came right after I gave you your start
Yes, it came from your pen, dear, but not from your heart
The third, the third was the joker that came with the deck
Nancy, please find my check"
Why, you fool, you poor, sad,foolish worthless fool
Do you think your money could pay
For the hard years I've suffered with you till things broke your way
Yes, I smiled when you kissed me, I thrilled at your touch
My only sin was I loved you, I loved you much too much
I'm answering your last letter that said we must part
But I'm tearing it to pieces, just like you tore up my heart
Yes I'm sad and I'm licked and I haven't got a dime
But I thank God, yes, I thank my God, I found you out in time

Darling, all I have left is just a picture of you
On which you wrote
But never, never, never wrote the words 'I Love You'

I'm all alone, so all alone
I'm needing words of consolation
Friendless and blue, but I'll get along somehow
I'll get along somehow .
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