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417Hz + 888Hz ⬖ Cleanse Negative Energies + Attract Abundance ⬖ Sounds of Ocean + Whale + Pink Noise

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417Hz + 888Hz ⬖ Cleanse Negative Energies + Attract Abundance ⬖ Sounds of Ocean + Whale + Pink Noise

Cleanse negative energy with 417Hz solfeggio frequency and attract abundance with angelic 888Hz frequency, with this soothing music mixed with sounds derived from the depth of ocean and space. Especially featuring beautiful whale sounds which seem to gel so well with the music, it seems like whales are singing to the music.

???? Heal and Energise.
???? Save our Angelic Healing Playlist → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta_R3mnM-Dg&list=PLsuCfYXzi5DK3pmskTz7r_GOdLYxZE-QZ

???? Sleep ASAP
???? Save our Solfeggio Sleep Music Playlist → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MPRbX7ACh8&list=PLsuCfYXzi5DLAwszbJ9As6e-tsvibGpS8&index=1

⬖ Additional Versions of This Track ( without ocean waves, without beat) ⬖
⬖ Available in the App ⬖
Apple App Store ⇥ https://apple.co/3ufPxTY
Android App Coming Soon ⇥ Register Interest : https://meditativemind.org/android-app/

If you would like track and would like to create similar tracks with different frequencies, do let us know in the comments below.

⬖ Credits ⬖
Original Music by @Dilpreet Bhatia
ⓒ ℗ 2021 @Meditative Mind . All Rights Reserved.
Audio for personal use only. Copying, re-uploading, sampling, synchronization not permitted.

Track Name : 417Hz + 888Hz ⬖ Depths of Space & Oceans
ISRC : AUTMZ2110356
APID : AP0087

#MeditativeMind #888Hz #HealingFrequencies
New Age
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