Make a difference through music! Musik hat die Kraft zu verändern! Das wissen die Kinder und Jugendlichen des kenianischen Musik-Projekts ›Ghetto Classics‹ nur zu genau: Seit sie klassische Instrumente lernen, hat sich ihr Leben verändert. Trotz der Müllkippe, auf der sie leben, trotz der Gewalt im Slum. Damit noch mehr Kinder über die Musik einen neuen Weg für ihr Leben finden können, haben Salut Salon aus dem Erlös eines Benefizkonzerts 50 Geigen gekauft und auf den Weg geschickt. Das Video dokumentiert diese Reise - und die Freude der Kinder über die neuen Geigen.
Realisation: Stephanie Schiller
© Salut Salon 2019
Make a difference through music! Music has the power to change! The children and teenagers of the Kenyan music project ›Ghetto Classics‹ know this too well: their lives have changed since they learned classical instruments. Despite the garbage dump they live on, despite the violence in the slums. So that even more children can find a new way for their lives through music, Salut Salon has bought 50 violins from the proceeds of a benefit concert and sent them on their way. The video documents this journey - and the joy of the children about the new violins.
Realisation: Stephanie Schiller
© Salut Salon 2019
Make a difference through music! Music has the power to change! The children and teenagers of the Kenyan music project ›Ghetto Classics‹ know this too well: their lives have changed since they learned classical instruments. Despite the garbage dump they live on, despite the violence in the slums. So that even more children can find a new way for their lives through music, Salut Salon has bought 50 violins from the proceeds of a benefit concert and sent them on their way. The video documents this journey - and the joy of the children about the new violins.
- Category
- Classical
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