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A White Moon's Hot

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You're watching "A White Moon's Hot" a new Video by Kaloopy
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If you comment on the vid you might be chosen to win a print on Apr 30.
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This is the second video with Olivia Victoria. This video was shot at first ever photoshoot, she saw our videos and thought it would be fun to do one. We think she was awesome. Show her some love and share the video with your friends. You can tell her how she did on twitter @Ovictoria88

Click to tweet the video!

We have just launched a print store, if you have been enjoying the videos go check out http://store.kaloopy.com/ and support the channel. Proceeds from the prints will go back into making more videos for your viewing pleasure.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR MUSIC FEATURED IN THE VIDEOS GET IN TOUCH. If you would like to be in the videos please contact us, always looking for fresh faces for the channel.

If Comment on the Video you stand a chance to win a limited edition 8"x10" original print from the video. We will choose the winner on Apr. 30. Follow kaloopy on Facebook and twitter to increase your chances of winning http://www.facebook.com/kaloopymedia and http://www.twitter.com/kaloopy


Models: Olivia Victoria http://twitter.com/@Ovictoria88
Track Title: Stop The Motion
Artist: Joan "Allone" Pla
Label: Vendetta Entertainment
Website: http://www.vendettaexperience.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/VendettaENT
Bandcamp link: http://vendettaentertainment.bandcamp.com/track/stop-the-motion-2?permalink
Director: Kaloopy
(c) Copyright Kaloopy Media 2012. (request permission via email)

Pics on Tumbr: http://www.kaloopy.com
Get in Contact: http://kaloopymedia.com/#106748/Contact-Kaloopy-Media
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