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Backhand winner with short pips - Attack with short pips #backhand #tabletennis

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Backhand winner with short pips - Attack with short pips

Nikolina was taught from day one to be aggressive and attack everything she can reach with her racket. The disadvantage of that approach is that while she is still small and physically weak, it leads to a lot of mistakes. The advantage of that approach is that he will have that attacking instinct even on a tight score. When the other girls are afraid to attack, Nikolina will attack without any hesitation. The video shows how he hit a backhand from a very bad position and against a better player than himself. She just doesn't think about who is on the other side of the table. She's playing her game so no matter how it ends. I am proud of my little girl.

Nikolina je učena od prvog dana da bude agresivna i da napada sve što može da dohvati reketom. Mana tog pristupa je da dok je još mala i fizički slaba to dovodi do puuno grešaka. Prednost tog pristupa je da će imati taj napadački instikt i na tesnom rezultatu. Kada će se ostale devojčice bojati da krenu u napad, Nikolina će napadati bez ikakvog dvoumljenja. Na video snimku se vidi kako je sevnuo jedan bekend i iz dosta loše pozicije i protiv bolje igračice od sebe. Ona jednostavno ne razmišlja ko je preko na drugoj strani stola. Ona igra svoju igru pa kako god da se to završi. Ponosan sam na moju devojčicu.

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#backhand, #backhanddwinner, #backhandtechnique,
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#nikolinastanictabletennis, #nikolinastanicpingpong, #nikolinastanicbackhand, #nikolinastanic
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