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[Deokspatch Unreleased(덕스패치 미공개영상)] Lovey-dovey morning call(오글토글 모닝콜)_MONSTA X(몬스타엑스) [ENG/CHN SUB]

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[Deokspatch Unreleased(덕스패치 미공개영상)] Lovey-dovey morning call(오글토글 모닝콜)_MONSTA X(몬스타엑스) [ENG/CHN SUB]
*English & Chinese subtitles are now available. :D
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Opening a funny and sweet video for you who are waiting for DeokspatchX episode.2!
MONSTA X's lovely morning call video which was unreleased from Deokspatch season.1!
Wanna see fresh charms of MONSTA X before debut which would wake you up from a deep sleep???
Hm~ honestly? Watch out for cute puns and click~!!
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为了期待DeokspatchX 第二期的粉丝们,我们要公开颇有乐趣的映像!
在Deokspatch 第一集播放时未公开的Monstar X 叫醒方式,
足以把你叫醒!! 你想看Monstar X出道前的纯粹容貌吗?
덕스패치X 2화를 기다리는 너님들을 위한!! 꿀잼 허니쨈 영상 투척!
덕스패치 시즌1에서 미공개 된 몬스타엑스의 오글 주의보 모닝콜!
당신의 단 잠을 깨워줄~ 몬스타엑스의 데뷔 전 풋풋했던 모습이 궁금하다면????
음~ 솔직히 말할까? 손발 조심하고 클릭~!!
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