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[Dubstep] - Rezonate - Lonely (feat. Bijou) [Monstercat Release]

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Haven't left for a while
Enough of me
There's nothing more that I can do
Oh I fear
I fear these lines, I cross and die

I try, so hard

Why are we so lonely
Why are we so weak
You were waiting for me
I'd rather be asleep

It's a little sad
You've trapped me at this cliff
I can push myself over
If i'll live
You can push me over
If you want to swim
It's a little strange
Where did we begin

Why are we so lonely
Why are we so weak
You were waiting for me
I'd rather be asleep

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▼ Follow Rezonate:
Facebook: http://facebook.com/RezonateMusic
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RezonateDubstep
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/rezonatemusic
YouTube: http://youtube.com/user/RezonateMusic

▼ Follow Bijou:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bijouthecat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bijoudream
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/bijoudream
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BijouDream

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