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Emeli Sandé -Clown- Alejandra Bec Cover

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This is Clown, a song by Emeli Sandé that expreses sarcastically the refusal to being treated as puppets by a system attempting toward our inner design. Have you ever felt imprisoned under any harmful situation? Have you ever considered giving in before circumstances or people forcing you to not be who you really are? I have. And I believe I have found the way to explain how I feel when it comes to protesting against everything that jeopardizes or underestimates our roots.

Whatever you purpose is, do not allow others to stop you from achieving it; if you love someone fight hard to give all you have; if there's something burning a flame in you, do not devote your life to anything else but consuming yourself in it. And never take anything for granted. Do not sell yourself out. Don't you ever give up.

Esto es "Clown", una canción de Emeli Sandé que expresa sarcásticamente la negación a ser marionetas de cualquier sistema que atente contra nuestro diseño interior. ¿Se han sentido presos de alguna situación difícil? ¿han considerado sucumbir ante circunstancias o personas que los obligan no ser ustedes mismos?, yo si, y creo que encontré la manera de explicar como me siento en relación a mi protesta contra todo lo que ridiculiza o subestima nuestra esencia.

Si tienes un propósito no permitas que nada te detenga de cumplirlo, si amas a alguien lucha por dar todo lo que tienes, si algo te arde no inviertas tu vida en otra cosa que no sea consumirte en ello, y no bajes la guardia, no te vendas, no desistas.

Music Producer: Wilolo Pinto
Voice: Alejandra Bec


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