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Grieg - Op.17 - 25 Norwegian Dances And Folk Songs

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My new recording of this fresh and charming set of short pieces by Edward Grieg. These were composed in 1868-69 from a set of existing folk melodies collected by Ludvig Mathias Lindeman. I think this is only the second complete recording on YT, and of course it's not as good Eva Knardahl's version. But hopefully still enjoyable !

The titles of the individual items differ considerably depending on the edition. I'm here including those from Wikipedia, which match neither the titles in my Peters score or the ones you see on the screen here.

1 - Springdans (Folk Dance) 0:02
2 - Ungersvennen (The Young Man) 0:56
3 - Springdans (Folk Dance) 1:45
4 - Niels Tallefjoren 2:36
5 - Jölstring (Dance From Jölster) 3:57
6 - Brurelat (Wedding Song) 5:34
7 - Halling (National Dance) 7:03
8 - Grisen (The Pig) 7:55
9 - Nar mitt oye (Religious Song) 8:41
10 - Friervise (Wooer's Song) 10:01
11 - Kjempevise (Heroic Ballad) 11:06
12 - Solfager og ormekongen (Solfager And The Snake-King) 12:09
13 - Reiselat (Travel Song) 13:28
14 - Jeg sjunger med sorrigfullt hjerte (I Sing With A Sorrowful Heart) 14:33
15 - Den siste Lordagskvelden (Last Saturday Evening) 15:35
16 - Eg veit ei lita Jente (I Know A Little Maiden) 17:01
17 - Kleggen og Fluga (The Horsefly And The Fly) 18:17
18 - Stabbelaten (Peasant Dance) 19:27
19 - Hölje Dale (The High Valley) 21:19
20 - Halling (National Dance) 22:04
21 - Saebygga (The Woman From Setestal) 22:43
22 - Kulokk (Cow Call) 23:32
23 - Sag du nokke te kjerringa mi (Have You By Chance Seen My Wife) 24:26
24 - Brurelat (Wedding Song) 25:46
25 - Rabnabryllup (The Raven's Wedding) 26:41
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