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► Copyright Updated © 2014 Joint Copyright and Ownership belongs to Neil Cooper & The Shepherd Mark-Neil Trust - Includes Intellectual Property of Neil Cooper | All Rights Reserved | If you watch these videos you agree to our full copyright notice that can be seen in full at Neil Cooper Spirit Speaks website here http://www.spiritspeaks.co.uk/copyright-notice - You may not; download, copy, re-upload or re-producer any part or in full any part of this video or audio without prior permission from the copyright holders/owners.

► Liability & Hold Harmless Indemnity Disclaimer
If you watch these videos you agree to and are subject to Neil Cooper's disclaimer, if you do not agree to my disclaimer you should not watch any of my videos or use any of my other platforms or media that are covered by this same disclaimable. None of the content of these videos or teachings have any harmful intent, but there are risks involved in becoming spiritually aware, as it can leave you open to influences of both good or evil spirits being able to have affects upon you in either beneficial or detrimental ways that could effect you mental or physical health. I do my best to advise how to protect when being aware of spirit and have asked the spirit realm for more protection, but it will never be completely safe to become awoken to spirit. Therefore you have been duly informed of the risks involved and if you follow these videos or my teachings and become aware of spirit, then you do so at your own liability and risk. I Neil Cooper accept no personal liability for the outcome of you or other's that might become awoken to spirit through watching and listen to my videos and mp3's or for other's posting or manipulating the content of my videos or audio or for those under age watching or listening to my videos or those allowing those who are under age to watch or listen to to them. Please see my full disclaimer here http://www.spiritspeaks.co.uk/disclaimer

► PG Parental Guidance [You must be a legal adult or have parental consent to watch or listen to these videos or you should not do so] - By watching or listening to these videos you agree to this Parental Guidance or you should not watch or listen to these video or my mp3's. If you are not legal adult, then please ask your parents or guardians permission if you are allowed to watch or listen to these videos or any of my media, meditations, audio, CD/DVD/MP3's or any other media on this channel or any other connected channels or platforms including downloads or websites containing content or the works of Neil Cooper. I Neil Cooper accept no personal liability for other's watching, posting or manipulating my content or for those who are under age or those allowing those who are under age to watch or listen to these videos it. See my parental guidance video here with subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKoykY_7uFk
New Age
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