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Invasión - The Plastics Revolution (Video Oficial/Official Music Video)

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This is the very first music video done entirely on Instagram without any third party alterations. Every single frame of this music video is an actual picture that we ran through Instagram. We never shot any video. We only shot still photography. All 1905 pictures went through the normal Instagram process on an iPhone. We hope you like it!

Este es el primer video hecho completamente en Instagram. Todos y cada uno de los cuadros de este video son fotos que procesamos en Instagram. No grabamos nada de video. Solo tomamos fotos fijas. Las 1905 fotos que resultaron fueron procesadas como cualquier otra en un iPhone. ¡Esperemos que les guste!


Canción por/Song by The Plastics Revolution (http://instagram.com/plasticsrev)

Dirigido por/Directed by Arturo Perez Jr. (http://instagram.com/artperezjr)
Producido por/Produced by Zak Faust (http://instagram.com/faustzzz) for La Blogotheque (http://instagram.com/lablogotheque)
Directora de arte/Art Director Brooke Baker (http://instagram.com/bakerbrooke)
Diseño de producción/Production Designer Hillary Andujar (http://instagram.com/2_decadent)
Diseño de sonido/Sound Designer Francois Clos
Efectos especiales/Special Effects Coco Kendel (http://instagram.com/cocokendall)

Joel Sadler (http://instagram.com/joelsadler)
Casey Williams (http://instagram.com/caseywms)
Plastics, Revolution, first, instagram, music, video, ever, 8 frames per second, 8 fps, iPhone, Blogotheque, Art, Perez, flying, fly, dreams, dreaming, Invasion
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