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Irish Folk Music - Tale of the Fisherman

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iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/irish-folk/id972772223
Bandcamp : https://dbfiechter.bandcamp.com/album/irish-folk
Amazon mp3 : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00U6O4DNA

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Spotify (Derek) : https://play.spotify.com/artist/01Er12nK5rrnHx8usFPJAs
Spotify (Brandon) : https://play.spotify.com/artist/2XDOBQOobSTxtmFhWKdm6x


Irish folk music about a poor fisherman who one day catches a magical silver fish. As he wonders what he should do as he'd never seen anything like it before, the fish talks to him and tells him to release him back into the ocean.

Astonished, and a bit reluctant, the man has compassion on it and lets it go back into the water. The next day, he goes back out to fish feeling discouraged as he and his family didn't have anything to eat yesterday.

When he lets down his net into the water, however, he is startled as he sees a gold coin somehow floating above his net. Snatching the coin up delightedly, the fisherman examines it intently and then puts it into his pocket. The same thing continues for many years and the fisherman becomes very wealthy and has more than enough food to feed himself and his family.

This music is called Tale of the Fisherman. We hope you enjoy listening to it!


This beautiful picture is done by Charles Napier Hemy.


~ Music by Derek & Brandon Fiechter ~
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