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Italian Mazurka music - Traditional folk music of Italy by Antonio Calsolaro

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Italian Mazurka music played by the Italian mandolin Maestro ANTONIO CALSOLARO and Francesco Polito (Guitar), traditional Mazurka music of the Italian culture, the traditional Mandolin music was introduce, during the 18th century, in the "Italian Barbers Saloon". The Maestro Calsolaro executes a beautiful dancing waltz music as a gift for his world friends http://www.italianbusinessguide.com/

He's preparing a Mandolin Master Class in the "Culture Palace of Alessano Lecce - Italy" the final week of March 2013, it will be divided in beginners and experts mandolin lessons, a full week of Mandolin sharing experience. He will give His own exclusive "Traditional Italian Sheet Music" to each participant If you need more info please call in Italy +39.333.6371644 or Email to [email protected]
Furthermore he's available for live music concerts, exhibitions, shows, Italian party around the world, please contact us for your requirements

The folk origins of the mazurek are two other Polish musical forms the slow kujawiak, and the fast oberek. The mazurek is always found to have either a triplet, trill, dotted eighth note (quaver) pair, or an ordinary eighth note pair before two quarter notes (crotchets). In the 19th century, the dance became popular in many ballrooms in different parts of Europe. The Polish national anthem has a mazurek rhythm but is too slow to be considered a mazurek. There are many Polish versions of the mazurek but the most notable one is the mazurka.
In Polish, this musical form is called "mazurek"—a word derived from "mazur," which up to the nineteenth century denoted an inhabitant of Poland's Mazovia region, and which also became the root for "Masuria". In Polish, "mazurka" is actually the genitive and accusative cases of "mazurek."
Several classical composers have written mazurkas, with the best known being the 69 composed by Frédéric Chopin for solo piano. Henryk Wieniawski also wrote two for violin with piano (the popular "Obertas", Op. 19), and in the 1920s, Karol Szymanowski wrote a set of twenty for piano and finished his composing career with a final pair in 1934. Also, Maria Szymanowska wrote mazurkas long before Chopin.

ITALIAN MANDOLIN Mandolins evolved from the lute family in Italy during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and the deep bowled mandolin produced particularly in Naples became a common type in the nineteenth century. The original instrument was the mandore which evolved in the fourteenth century from the lute. The first evidence of modern steel-strung mandolins is from literature regarding popular Italian players who traveled through Europe teaching and giving concerts. Notable is Signor Leone and G. B. Gervasio who traveled widely between 1750 and 1810. This, with the records gleaned from the Italian Vinaccia family of luthiers in Naples, Italy, lead some musicologists to believe that the modern steel-strung mandolin was developed in Naples by the Vinaccia family. Gennaro Vinaccia was active circa 1710 to circa 1788, and Antonio Vinaccia was active circa 1734 to circa 1796. An early extant example of a mandolin is one built by Antonio Vinaccia in 1772 which resides at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England. Another is by Giuseppe Vinaccia built in 1763, residing at the Kenneth G. Fiske Museum of Musical Instruments in Claremont, California. The earliest extant mandolin was built in 1744 by Gaetano Vinaccia. It resides in the Conservatoire Royal de Musique in Brussels, Belgium

El maestro Antonio Calsolaro, junto a Francesco Polito, interpreta magistralmente con su Mandolina una pieza en ritmo de Mazurka del folklore Italiano con la sabiduria del Maestro y del hombre de experiencia que toca la mandolina desde pequeno en familia como expresion digna de la cultura y tradicion de Napoles, Roma, Sicilia, Italia. El Maestro Calsolaro es uno de los musicos mas importantes de Italia que mantienen, cultivan y desarrollan la pureza de la Musica Tradicional Folklorica Italiana
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