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Justin Bieber "Favorite Girl" Response

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Hey guys its me Justin. I saw Taylor Swift used my song in her last video and was singing it with all her friends having fun and being silly, so I decided to have some fun of my own and make this as a response. This is one of my alter egos Bieber Cash...haha...(johnny cash get it? No? ok :P) The song is "Favorite Girl" off my upcoming album My World. Hope you guys like it. Spread the word. Thanks

More on Justin Bieber:
One of the fastest growing artists in the world today, make sure to check out Justin's other videos and his chart rising single ONE TIME. Be on the lookout for Justin's debut album "My World" this fall.

Follow Justin Bieber on twitter: @justinbieber http://www.twitter.com/justinbieber
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Official Site Coming Soon!!

Call Justin at 404.665.3410 and let him know what you think of this video & where he should stop next!

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