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K-Pop New Releases - May 2017 Week 2 - K-Pop ICYMI

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Get caught up with this week's new K-Pop Song releases and stuff I might have missed on my charts with K-Pop ICYMI (In Case You Missed It). Here's a spotlight on some of the latest K-Pop (including, Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, Dance and K-Indie) releases for May 2017 Week 2 (week ending May 13, 2017).

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Here is the list of songs--since it's not ranked, no spoilers here :)!

AC Block:
BOHEME (보엠) - I Am Me (나는 나)
Junyfore (주니퍼) - It's Over (끝났다)
Han So A (한소아) - Dry Flower (마른꽃)
Letter Flow (레터 플로우) - Enough (충분해)
Cherry Factory (체리 팩토리) - Don't Be Mad (화 풀어)
Ha Dong Qn (하동균) - The Maze of Reality (지금 그리고 우린)

OST Block:
Sunwoo Junga (선우정아) - Pretend Not To Know (모른 척) (Mystery Queen (추리의 여왕) OST)
Kevin Oh (케빈오) - Be My Light (Chicago Typewriter (시카고 타자기) OST)2NB (투앤비) - Was You (너였어) (Just For You (너에게만 들려주고 싶어) OST)
VROMANCE (브로맨스) - Mysterious (신비로운 걸) (Man to Man (맨투맨) OST)
Joy (조이) - The Way To Me (내게 오는 길) (The Liar and His Lover (그녀는 거짓말을 너무 사랑해) OST)
Yang Yoseob (양요섭) - The Man That Couldn't Cry (남자라 울지 못했어) (Ruler: Master of the Mask (군주 - 가면의 주인) OST)

K-Indie / Rock Block:
Seo Young Do Electric Ensemble Feat. Jo Jeonghee (서영도 일렉트릭 앙상블, 조정희) - No Accident (무사고)
HiHills (하이힐스) - Forget The World
Lody Han (로디한) - Premium Taxi (할증택시)
Love X Stereo (러브엑스테레오) - Dark and Light
Adios Audio (아디오스오디오) - Knock
DAY6 (데이식스) - Dance Dance

EDM / Dance Block:
The Kokos (더 코코스) - Better Together
HANG5VA (행오버) - HOT THAI (핫타이)
Wrong Address X Crush - Love Is True
Hitchhiker X NCT Taeyong (태용) - Around

R&B / Hip-Hop Block:
Lino (리노) - Smile (웃어주겠니)
Edmmer Feat. ECS, Bray, Deuckbae (에드머, 브레이, 덕배) - Hangover
SigMa (시그마) - Jump Rope (줄넘기)
Rose (로즈) - Knock Knock #2 (20:32)
NuTeller Feat. Nuvo (누텔러) - Fog
Young Cream (영크림) - Night (밤이면)
Limzy (림지) - Breath (숨)
Richard Parkers (리차드파커스) - Today (오늘)
OVAN (오반) - For Real (진짜를 꺼내봐)
Rex.D (렉스디) - I Wanna Hear Music (음악 들으러 갈래)
KIGGEN, SBGB (키겐, 새벽공방) - Starlight Love 2017 (별들도 눈감은밤)
SOOM Feat. Sanchez (산체스) - To Be Honest (인정 TBH)

Pop Block:
Baby Boo (베이비부) - Keep Your Eyes On My Body (내 몸매가 어때서)
Navi Feat. DinDin (나비, 딘딘) - Are You In Love (사랑하는 사람 있나요)
ROMEO (로미오) - Stay With Me (성공하면)
PSY (싸이) - I LUV IT
PSY (싸이) - New Face
Unnies (언니쓰) - Right? (맞지?)

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