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K-Pop New Releases - September 2018 Week 3 - K-Pop ICYMI

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Oh my god! It's finally returned. After a long hiatus, ICYMI is back bringing you the latest in K-Pop releases!

Get caught up with this week's new K-Pop Song releases and stuff I might have missed on my charts with K-Pop ICYMI (In Case You Missed It). Here's a spotlight on some of the latest K-Pop (including, Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, Dance and K-Indie) releases for September 2018 Week 3 (week ending September 22, 2018).

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AC Block:
BLOSTEA Feat. Kim Kiwon (김기원) - Slow It Down
Hwang Jaewan (황재완) - Tear Again (그래 또 눈물)
Park Sanhee (박산희) - Over The Blue
HEYDAY Feat. Joy O'clock (헤이데이, 조이어클락) - Tonight (오늘 밤)
Haebi (해비) - Wolfboy (늑대소년)
Gray Tree (그레이트리) - The Way To Meet You (그댈 만나러 가는 길)
Red Chair (빨간의자) - Be A Star (별이 되어줘)
Gavy NJ (가비엔제이) - I’m Fine
Heo Seongjeong (허성정) - Sound (소리)
KCM - My Song (내 노래 (With. 동네청년))
Eyedi (아이디) - Red
Yesung (예성) - Marry Me (결혼해줘)
Roy Kim (로이킴) - The Hardest Part (우리 그만하자)
Lim Chang Jung (임창정) - There Has Never Been A Day I Haven't Loved You (하루도 그대를 사랑하지 않은 적이 없었다)

OST Block:
Kassy (케이시) - Take My Hand (손을 잡아줘) (Webtoon YEONNOM (웹툰 연놈) OST)
Heize (헤이즈) - Phantomgate (팬텀게이트) (Phantomgate The Last Valkyrie)
Common Ground Feat. Linzy (커먼그라운드, 린지) - Hot Inside (Checkmate (체크메이트) OST)
Lee Yoon Jin (이윤진) - GOODBYE (Joy (주기쁨) Ver.) (Devilish Charm (마성의 기쁨) OST)
Lee Chang Sub (이창섭) - In Your Light (Lovely Horribly (러블리 호러블리) OST)
Yoo Sung Eun (유성은) - Hello (Familiar Wife (아는 와이프) OST)
Sejong (세정 (구구단)) - Paramour (정인 (情人)) (Mr. Sunshine (미스터 션샤인) OST)
Ulala Session (울랄라세션) - There Is No Such Person (그런 사람 또 없습니다) (My Only One (하나뿐인 내편) OST)

K-Indie / Rock Block:
KID BLUES - We're All Stupid (바보란걸)
1/N (엔분의일) - Stars Of You
Lof.T (로프티) - Night Is Over (밤이 피네)
Shirts Boy Frank (셔츠 보이 프랭크) - Foam (포말)
Slowstones - Slowstones
BenchWeLeo (벤치위레오) - Soleil Noir (검은 태양)
Vanmal (반말) - Unification Road March (1번 국도 행진곡)
Wetter (웨터) - Hello Sunshine
No Brain (노브레인) - The Best Moment (최고의 순간)
macguffin (맥거핀) - DISCO (I Don't Mind)
Gila (길라) - Shimmer

EDM / Dance Block:
Ferry X Noke - The Rime
Cupid's Bullets X RUAH - Tell Me
White Ocean - White Ocean
Wonderful Machine (원더풀머신) - Sunday Drive
DJ HCUE Feat. A.C.E - I Feel So Lucky
Amber (엠버) - White Noise

R&B / Hip-Hop Block:
Asol Feat. OLNL (에이솔) - Bucket List
Bambi Feat. Dunkin Downer (밤비, 던킨도우너) - Violin
mNine Feat. DJ Tiz - I'm Good
Swavey Child - Make Up Room
JUNIK - Rooftop (루프탑)
DJ Wegun Feat. Sogumm & Punchnello (DJ 웨건, 펀치넬로) - Clumsy (서툴러 )
VINXEN (빈첸) - Yoo Jae Suk (유재석)
OWOL Feat, Giant Pink (오월, 자이언트 핑크) - Not Bad (나쁘지 않아)
Jooyoung (주영) - Inn
The Quiett Feat. Changmo - Flex Forever
GIRIBOY Feat. Goretexx (기리보이) - acrnm
Sik-K (식케이) - Xibal (X발)

Pop Block:
PURPLE (퍼플) - Maemmaeya (맴매야 (I 씐나))
Jin Longguo (김용국) - Be With You
NCT DREAM (엔시티 드림) - 1, 2, 3
1set (원셋) - My Beating Heart (두근거려)
LUCENTE (루첸트) - Your Difference (뭔가달라)
VERIVERY (베리베리) - Super Special
S.I.S - Say Yes (응)
UNI.T (유니티) - I Mean (난말야)
GOT7 (갓세븐) - Lullaby
Dreamcatcher (드림캐쳐) - What
Cosmic Girls [WJSN] (우주소녀) - Save Me, Save You (부탁해)

▶ Outro Song:
Track: Rogers & Dean - No Doubt [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/NoDoubtYO

▶ Follow Me!
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All videos/audio clips property of the respective record label, distribution company, writers, publishers and content owners. Support the artists and buy their music at your favorite music shop/online store!
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