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[Kpop] 1theK COMING UP NEXT [ENG Ver.] - 4th week of October, 2014(10월 4주차) [KOR/JPN SUB]

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[Kpop] 1theK COMING UP NEXT [ENG Ver.] - 4th week of October, 2014(10월 4주차) [KOR/JPN SUB]
- Original SOON: [Let's Dance] UNIQ / [PLAYLIST] GAEKO / [#hashtag] 2AM
- K-POP SOON: (10.27) POSTMEN / (10.28) Kim Greem & BAEK CHUNG KANG / (10.29) As One, Nuol / (10.30) 2AM, Crush / (10.31) YOON HYUN SANG
*한글/일본어 자막이 제공됩니다. :D
(플레이어 하단의 'CC(자막)' 버튼을 클릭해주세요.)
(CCボタンをクリック、それとも'Interactive Transcript' 機能を活性化して下さい)
Get your latest updates on 1theK's original contents and new releases right here on 1theK COMING UP NEXT!
From greetings by 2AM back after a year of upgrading their sentimental vocal skills to another new level,
to Let's Dance with UNIQ, the Korean Chinese combination group, and even PLAYLIST by Dynamic Duo's GAEKO!
Don't miss out on the #hashtag Interview by 2AM, full of fun twists!
1theK COMING UP NEXT for the fourth week of October begins now! Come join!
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1theKのオリジナルコンテンツや新譜ニュースを最も早くご紹介する1theK COMING UP NEXT!
韓中合作グループ‘ユニーク’と一緒にしたLet's Dance、ダイナミックデュオのゲコがお勧めするプレイリスト、
10月第4週目の1theK COMING UP NEXT!今週もご一緒にどうぞ!
第一时间可以得到1theK原创内容及新专辑消息的1theK COMING UP NEXT!
韩中合作组合UNIQ的《Let’ Dance》、Dynamic Duo的GAEKO挑选的《PLAYLIST》、
十月第四周的1theK COMING UP NEXT! 这周也一起来吧!
1theK의 오리지널 컨텐츠와 신보 소식을 가장 발 빠르게 만나는 1theK COMING UP NEXT!
한층 더 성숙해진 감성으로 1년 만에 돌아온 ‘2AM’의 인사말부터,
한중 합작 그룹 UNIQ와 함께한 Let’s Dance부터 다이나믹 듀오의 개코가 추천하는 PLAYLIST
반전그룹 2AM과 함께한 유쾌한 #hashtag 인터뷰까지!!
10월 넷째 주의 1theK COMING UP NEXT! 이번 주에도 함께해요!
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