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Maher Zain feat. Fadly "Padi" - Insha Allah

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Awakening Talent Contest - Vote for your preferred contestant #AwakeningStar:

From Maher Zain's concert at the Malawati Stadium in Shah Alam, Malaysia | International shipping now is available on Awakening store http://bit.ly/UNJNZ4 | Check our worldwide distributors and mobile ringtones here http://on.fb.me/XppE2G


Andainya kau rasa tak berupaya
Hidup sendirian,tiada pembela
Segalanya suram, bagai malam yang kelam
Tiada bantuan tiada arah tujuan
Janganlah berputus asa
Kerana Allah bersamamu

Insya Allah... Insya Allah... Insya Allah...
Ada jalannya
Insya Allah... Insya Allah... Insya Allah...
Ada jalannya

Every time you commit one more mistake
You feel you can't repent and that its way too late
You're so confused, wrong decisions you have made
Haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don't despair and never lose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side

Insha Allah... Insha Allah... Insha Allah...
You'll find your way
Insha Allah... Insha Allah... Insha Allah...
You'll find your way

Turn to Allah
He's never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
Oh Ya Allah
Pimpinlah daku dari tersasar
Tunjukkan daku ke jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar
Jalan yang benar...

Insha Allah... Insha Allah... Insha Allah...
We'll find the way
Insha Allah... Insha Allah... Insha Allah...
We'll find the way
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