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[MV] 김조한(Kim jo han) _ 이별은 잊은 듯이(Like We're Still in Love)

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[MV] 김조한(Kim jo han) _ 이별은 잊은 듯이(Like We're Still in Love)
Hello! this is 1theK.
As you've noticed, we've been working on the English subtitles for our MVs and Originals.
But sometimes it is difficult to prepare subs on time.
Sorry to announce this. T-T
The subtitles for this clip will be uploaded within a few hours.
It would be great if you comeback in a few hours and watch it again!
We always thank you for your comments and advices.
(Yes, we actually read most of your comments)
All the best,
In 2015, a comeback after 8 years. Kim Jo Han, who had attracted a lot of attention with his 6th regular album titled “Once in a Lifetime”, released a repackage album. Kim Jo Han included 10 existing songs as well as a new song titled "Like we're still in love" which he composed and arranged by himself to thank fans who have been waiting and sent unstinting support for his new album.
The song titled "Like we're still in love" is the song Kim Jo Han composed 4 years ago and has cherished like a treasure so far. He has a strong attachment to the song as he had arranged it even for 3 times in 4 years. The lyric writer, Choi Kab Won, wrote ardent lyrics for the song representing the heart of a man who broke up with his lover with impressive repeated lines of the chorus.
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2015年8年ぶりのカムバック。6thフルアルバム『Once in a Lifetime』で歌謡界で話題となったキム・ジョハンが、Repackageをリリースする。キム・ジョハンはアルバムを待ってくれて、熱心に応援してくれたファンに感謝の気持ちを伝えようと既存の10曲の収録曲に直接作曲・編曲した「別れは忘れたかのように 」を収録した。
2015년 8년만의 컴백. 정규 6집 “Once in a Lifetime”으로 가요계에 화제가 됐던 김조한이 Repackage를 발매한다 김조한은 앨범을 기다려주고 아낌없는 응원을 보내준 팬들에게 감사의 마음을 전하고자 기존 10곡의 수록곡에 직접 작곡, 편곡한 “이별은 잊은듯이”를 담았다.
“이별은 잊은듯이”는 4년전 김조한이 작곡해 보물처럼 아꼈던 곡으로, 지난 4년동안 편곡만 3번 했을 정도로 애착이 많은 곡이다. 작사가 최갑원이 참여해 사랑했던 여자와 헤어진 남자의 마음을 대변하듯 토해낸 가사 한마디 한마디가 절절하게 이어지며 후렴구에 반복되는 가사가 인상적이다.
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