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[MV] DinDin(딘딘) _ New Leader (Feat. Goo YooJung(구유정))

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[MV] DinDin(딘딘) _ New Leader (Feat. Goo YooJung(구유정))
*English subtitles are now available. :D
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DinDin, who has been getting a lot of attraction through ‘SHOW ME TH MONEY’ and ‘RADIO STAR’ worked with the hot composer in the hip-hop music ‘Lim sang hyuk’ to make ‘NEW READER’. This song shows the proud feelings that elementary school students have. The message tells adults not to take elementary students as children as young kids, and not to ignore them. The song has addictive melody and beat along with straightforward lyrics.
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『Show Me The Money』、『ラジオスター』に出演して大きなイシューとなっているDinDin(ディンディン)とヒップホップ音楽界で注目を浴びている作曲家‘イム・サンヒョク’が共同作業した「NEW READER」。歌を通じて最近の小学生の堂々さを表現している。小学生をただの子供だと思っている大人に‘子供だと、何も知らないと無視しないで’
쇼미더머니, 라디오스타에 출연해 큰 이슈를 끌고 있는 딘딘과 힙합음악의 떠오르는 작곡가인 임상혁이 공동작업 한 ‘NEW READER’. 노래를 통해 요즘 초등학생들의 당당함을 보여주고 있다. 초등학생을 마냥 어린아이로 치부하는 어른들에게 어리다고, 모른다고 깔보지 말라는 자신감 넘치는 메시지를 중독성 있는 멜로디와 비트, 직설적인 가사로 전달하고 있다.
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