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[MV] HONEYST(허니스트) _ I Wonder(알다가도 모르겠어) (Just One Bite(한입만) OST Part.2)

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[MV] HONEYST(허니스트) _ I Wonder(알다가도 모르겠어) (Just One Bite(한입만) OST Part.2)
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The OST Part2. of the sweet romantic comedy web drama, Just One Bite, was released. The band of four, HONEYST, delivers the exciting energy with warmth.

The main title track ‘I Wonder’ is an acoustic pop describing mixed feelings in which the warm electric guitar sound from the first part is harmonized with the sweet and clear vocal sound of Kim Cheol Min.
The song is about the exciting feelings of a crush wondering if every behavior of the person I like is to express the feelings for me and if the behaviors and words of the person have any hidden messages.
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