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[MV] Lee Juck(이적) _ Argument(다툼)

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[MV] Lee Juck(이적) _ Argument(다툼)
Hello! this is 1theK.
As you've noticed, we've been working on the English subtitles for our MVs and Originals.
But sometimes it is difficult to prepare subs on time.
Sorry to announce this. T-T
The subtitles for this clip will be uploaded within a few hours.
It would be great if you comeback in a few hours and watch it again!
We always thank you for your comments and advices.
(Yes, we actually read most of your comments)
All the best,
The name of Lee Juck’s 4th solo album is [Love]. Literally all 10 songs inside is singing love.
It won’t be strange for other singers but it makes you curious about his mind, since Lee Juck sings a number of themes and topics other than love. He said, “It is most difficult to write love songs because there are so many wonderful love songs already. For one time, however, I want to talk about romance, argument, parting and others of love in my words as much as I like.” As he said, 10 songs of the album is singing love lonely or passionately with very ordinary topics in simple words of colloquial style.
The music video of ‘Argument’ from the 4th solo album is newly released.
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이적의 솔로 4집 앨범 제목이 [사랑]. 제목 그대로 10곡 모두 사랑에 관한 노래다.
다른 가수라면 신기할 것 없는 일이지만, 늘 사랑 외에도 다양한 주제와 소재에 천착해온 이적이기에 그 의중이 궁금하다. 그가 말한다. “사랑 노래가 가장 쓰기 어려워요. 좋은 사랑 노래가 이미 너무도 많기에. 그렇지만 한 번쯤 사랑의 설렘과 다툼, 이별 등에 대해서 제 언어로 실컷 얘기해보고 싶었어요.” 그의 말대로 이번 앨범의 10곡은 지극히 일상적인 소재와 구어체의 소박한 언어로 사랑에 대해 때론 쓸쓸하게 때론 뜨겁게 노래한다.
솔로 4집 앨범의 수록곡 중 한 곡인 ‘다툼’의 뮤직비디오가 새롭게 공개 되었다.
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