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[MV] Lee Sun Hee(이선희) _ Let's go to Happy Land(행복의 나라로)

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[MV] Lee Sun Hee(이선희) _ Let's go to Happy Land(행복의 나라로)
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As you've noticed, we've been working on the English subtitles for our MVs and Originals.
But sometimes it is difficult to prepare subs on time.
Sorry to announce this. T-T
The subtitles for this clip will be uploaded within a few hours.
It would be great if you comeback in a few hours and watch it again!
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All the best,
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Lee Sun Hee's happy song is here!
Vocalist Lee Sun Hee will reveal her remake version of 1974 Korean folk rock legend Han Dae Soo's original [Let's go to Happy Land] on August 11th, at noon.

Lee Sun Hee has been in charge of conducting the "1945 Haebangdungi Choir" for the show [I Am Korea], KBS's national singing program in celebration of 70th year of independence. In time with wrapping up the past three months of participating in the program, Lee Sun Hee decided to release a "happy song", her beautiful version of "Let's go to Happy Land" for not only herself and the choir, but for all Koreans to sing along and enjoy.
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이선희의 행복한 노래가 온다!
가수 이선희가 1974년 한국 포크록의 대부 한대수 작사, 작곡의 [행복의 나라로]를 리메이크한 이선희표 [행복한 나라로] 음원을 오늘 8월 11일 낮 12시에 공개한다.
KBS 광복 70년 기념 국민대합창 [나는 대한민국]에서 대한민국이 광복이 되던 1945년생 해방둥이 합창단의 노래지도와 지휘를 맡게된 가수 이선희는 지난 3개월간의 대장정을 마무리하는 시점에서 1945 해방둥이 합창단은 물론 광복 70년을 맞는 우리 국민 모두와 행복한 노래를 부르고자 [행복의 나라로] 음원을 발표하기로 했다.
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