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[ SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) ]

SEVENTEEN is coming back with its special album ‘DIRECTOR’s CUT’. During the year of 2017, SEVENTEEN had a grip on the music industry by giving off the charm of all thirteen members and each unit of vocalists, hip hop and performance in their large-scale project ‘2017 SEVENTEEN PROJECT’. With this special album, SEVENTEEN wants to finish the long journey and express appreciation to the fans for their support.

Last year, SEVENTEEN showed from ‘BEFORE Al1’, the first sorrow of ‘Al1’ and the subsequent loneliness and growth to ‘新世界’ and the starting point for the change of ‘TEEN, AGE’ in ‘2017 SEVENTEEN PROJECT’. Now SEVENTEEN will return to the fans with its special album ‘DIRECTOR'S CUT’ that will be released on February 5.
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