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[MV] SLEEPY(슬리피) _ So what (맘대로 (Feat. BLOO, Liquor k.jr))

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[MV] SLEEPY(슬리피) _ So what (맘대로 (Feat. BLOO, Liquor k.jr))
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Quite professional rapper SLEEPY’s well-made trap hip hop
SLEEPY has been recognized as a rapper with an in-depth discography from his experience of ‘Jiggy Fellaz’ hip hop crew. Through the ‘Show Me The Money 6’, he has rebuilt his image as a professional rapper from an established image like an entertainer.
His hip hop ‘So what’ is a very impressive trap number with a groovy rhythm and heavy beats. It’s a well-made hip hop. Coup D`Etat has joined who had already collaborated in previous 'BEAUTIFUL LIFE'. And also budding BLOO and Liquor k.jr’s have joined as featuring.
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실력파 래퍼 슬리피의 웰메이드 트랩 힙합 넘버. “Sleep's Sensation”
'쇼미더머니6'를 통해 예능 래퍼라는 이미지를 벗고 지기펠라즈 시절부터 쌓아온 깊이 있는 디스코그래피를 가진 래퍼임을 인정받은 슬리피의 '맘대로'는 그루비한 리듬과 묵직한 비트가 인상적인 트랩 넘버로 전작 'BEAUTIFUL LIFE'에서 협업했던 Coup D`Etat와 떠오르는 신예 래퍼 BLOO, Liquor k.jr의 피처링 참여로 곡의 완성도를 더한 웰메이드 힙합곡이다.
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