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[MV] SWEET SORROW(스윗소로우) _ Rain In Seoul(서울은 비)

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[MV] SWEET SORROW(스윗소로우) _ Rain In Seoul(서울은 비)
*English subtitles are now available. :D
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Emotional vocal group, SWEET SORROW, released the 4th album Part2 [FOR LOSERS ONLY] filled with the feelings of autumn after 1 year and 4 months.

The new album amazingly shows the talents of SWEET SORROW as a singer song writer by being in charge of the whole process including writing the lyrics and composition for the 11 tracks including 6 songs, with 'Ahyeondong' which was released in advance to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the debut of SWEET SORROW in last September, and 5 instrumental songs. While the previous album which was released in June, 2014, titled [FOR LOVERS ONLY], was singing the sweet love, the new album [FOR LOSERS ONLY] is about the sorrow of the break-up.
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男性ボーカルグループ‘SWEET SORROW(スウィート・ソロウ)’が、1年4ヶ月ぶりに秋の感性をたっぷり盛り込んだ、4thフルアルバムPart2『FOR LOSERS ONLY』を披露する。
去る9月にSWEET SORROWのデビュー10周年を記念して先行公開された「アヒョン洞」を含む6曲の歌と5曲の演奏曲で全11トラックを収録した今回のアルバムで、SWEET SORROWは全曲の作詞と作曲を引き受けシンガーソングライターとしての面貌を遺憾なく発揮した。2014年6月にリリースされた4thフルアルバムPart1『FOR LOVERS ONLY』が愛の甘さを歌ったならば、今回の『FOR LOSERS ONLY』は、別れの痛みを歌った。
감성보컬그룹 스윗소로우가 1년 4개월만에 가을의 감성을 듬뿍 담은 정규 4집 Part 2 앨범 [FOR LOSERS ONLY]를 선보인다.
지난 9월, 스윗소로우 데뷔 10주년을 기념하며 선공개된 ‘아현동’을 포함한 6곡의 노래와 5곡의 연주곡으로 총 11트랙이 수록된 이번 음반에서 스윗소로우는 전곡의 작사와 작곡을 맡아 싱어송라이터로서의 면모를 유감없이 발휘했다. 2014년 6월에 발매됐던 4집 Part 1 앨범 [FOR LOVERS ONLY]가 사랑의 달콤함을 노래했다면, 이번 [FOR LOSERS ONLY]는 이별의 아픔을 담아냈다.
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