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New Year Update For the Fans!

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Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I've done one of these and I have been getting asked a lot lately for a new update so here it is! I have some fun stuff to share with you so I hope you enjoy. I always feel so awkward talking to myself in a room alone haha so just keep that in mind as you watch me fidget around. It's pretty long so here's a breakdown if you don't have time to watch it all:

1. Thank you so much to all of my supporters, you guys are the best!
2. No longer responding to messages regularly :( hope you understand. Facebook is the best way to ask a question now because I check it more often.
3. The biggest thing that's happened to me last year was getting married, yay!
4. **UPDATE** Unfortunately a situation arose where Lara will no longer be able to participate in CosDay. We're very sorry about this but hope to see our German fans sometime in the future!
5. My website is up and running, check it out when you can www.violintay.com
6. FAQ about myself: family, faith, interests, random fact

That's it! Hope you guys enjoyed my struggle through an update :) Thanks again for all your support!


Background Music:
1. Hikari from Kingdom Hearts (Utada Hikaru)
2. End Titles from Emma (Rachel Portman)
3. Main Titles from Emma (Rachel Portman)
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