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Our Wedding Vows - #MadilynMinute

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Hey YouuuuuuTubers
August 22 Jimmy and I celebrated 1 year being married without killing each other :) These are the vows we wrote for our wedding and we decided to read them for you a year later.

Dear Madilyn,
I, James Patric Benrud, take you, Madilyn Bailey Wold, to be my wife, best friend, life partner, and one true love. I will forever cherish our union, loving you in good time and bad, when life is easy and when it's a struggle, when our love is effortless and when it takes work. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, and love you completely and faithfully. Regardless of the obstacles we will face, I know together we will overcome them. I eagerly anticipate the chance to grow together and fall in love with you more completely every day of my life. I give you my hand, my heart, and my soul, from this day forward through whatever life may bring us.
Dear James,
Tornados and I have a lot in common.
And I don't just mean my ability to mess up every room I walk into.
Or my unpredictable mood swings when I'm hungry.
What I really mean is I'm and "All-Or-Nothing" kind of person.
You will always know what's on my mind even if you don't want to.
I will wallop you will kiss every morning even when you
want a few more minute of sleep
And at time I will drive you nuts with worked up I get
over the silliest things
But I can guarantee you that no one will love you as
fiercely or as strongly as I do
I promise to be your life time adventure partner.
And to play nerdy board games with you when we
are old and confined to rocking chairs.
I promise to be your ally in life and your best friend in love.
And no matter what life throws are us
For better or worse
For richer or poorer
In sickness and in health
I will guard your heart with mine
James Patrik Benrud
Today I promise you that just like a tornado
i will hod nothing back and give you everything.
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