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SaBo-FX - Wet (Money For Nothing 2011 Remix)

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Thanx for watching! Hope you enjoyed it.

Song title : Wet
Alternative title : Money for nothing 2011 Remix
Music (remix): SaBo-FX
Video (edit) : SaBo-FX
Original soundtrack by : Dire Straits - Money For Nothing (1988)
More info original : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_for_Nothing_%28song%29

Nephael, Eugenia Diordiychuk (WOW she's HOT!), Veronica LaVery

Guest appearances:
Tiffany Selby, Kimberly Phillips (back side only), Jessika Alaura

Listen to the music on either a headphone or some big ass speakers (to fully enjoy the baseline).
Watch the video in 1080p for the ultimate audiovisual experience!

Music Background info:
The original tracked was apparently banned from Canadian radio stations from Januari to August 2011 for the reason of insulting the gay community with some parts of the lyrics. When this ban was lifted, it was news on the Dutch radio. This is why the song came under my attention while taking a shower.
I especially like the guitar part which you will also find remixed into my version. Furthermore I borrowed a sample of the main chorus:
"Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free"
However the quality of the sample was crap, so I used a vocoder to beef it up.
And to be honest, I like my version of the chorus better than the original.

Song Title:
Wet is better. What more can I say? Because a dry **** is not helping anybody.

Technical Video Background info:
I'm using the experience from my previous videos to increase the relation between my music and the graphics. But more (timed) effects cause a heavy load on my hardware. As a result it takes over 6 damn hours to render the 3.5 minutes of 'Wet' video you're watching. In total it cost me about 200 hours of slaving behind my keyboard to slice the pr0n. I think it's time to purchase a new PC.

Credits / disclaimer:
First of all, let me credit Playboy for providing the high quality footage in this video! I'm pretty sure that the video plays a large role in introducing my music to a worldwide audience. For several reasons, I had to cut out most the 'cracks and nipples' from the original footage. The original footage from Playboy was kinkier. But I simply don't need a lawsuit from Playboy. So don't let me stop you from downloading the uncensored video from the playboy website. This requires a paid subscription. (just so you know). The dancing girl featured in my video is Nephael from France. Big thanks to all who have contributed to this video!

Download high quality MP3 versions of all my trax for free (including the music of this video):
ftp://youtube:[email protected]:3306/
(copy the line above and paste into your browser address bar)

Or check out all my music at my SoundCloud page:
And/or sign up to my twitter:

Don't forget to visit my website to check out my other productions.

Audio/Video software used: (no hardware synth)
* Cakewalk Sonar 8.5.3
* Adobe Audition CS5.5
* VST Re-FX Nexus 2
* VST Stylus RMX
* VirtualDub 1.10.0
* Adobe After effects CS5.5
* Trapcode plugins (for After FX)
* ffmpeg

Greetz fly out to Amsterdam VIP Service™
models, Nephael, Yevgeniya Diordiychuk, Veronica LaVery, Tiffany Selby, Kimberly Phillips, Jessika Alaura, photo shoot, lingerie, playmate, cybergirl, playboy, tease, hotty, pretty, dance, remix, Fashion, Eugenia Diordiychuk
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