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Strauss II - Greatest Waltzes Collection

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Greatest Waltzes Collection
01 Schatz-Walzer (Treasure Waltz) Op. 418 00:00
02 Rosen aus dem Süden (Roses from the South) Op. 388 08:25
03 Frühlingsstimmen (Voices of Spring), Op. 410 18:07
04 Wein, Weib und Gesang (Wine, Women and Song) Op. 333 25:40
05 An der Schonen Blauen Donau (On the Beautiful Blue Danube) Op. 314 31:18
06 Kaiser Walzer (Emperor Waltz), Op. 437 42:42
07 Wiener Bonbons (Vienna Sweets) Waltz Op. 307 54:36
08 Wo die Citronen Blüh'n! (Where the Lemon Trees Bloom), Op. 364 1:04:02
09 Seid umschlungen, Millionen! (Be Embraced, You Millions!) Waltz Op. 443 1:13:48
10 Accellerationen (Accelerations) Waltz, Op. 234 1:23:49
11 Künstlerleben (Artist’s Life) Op. 316 1:32:44
12 Morgenblätter (Morning Journals), Op. 279 1:43:10
13 Wiener Blut (Viennese Blood) Op. 354 1:54:20
14 Geschichten aus dem Wienerwald (Tales from the Vienna Woods) Op. 325 2:03:36
15 Liebeslieder (Love Songs) Op. 114 2:16:24
1, 4, 8-13: performed by Stettino Philharmonic Orchestra, Stefan Marzcik
2, 3, 6 & 14: performed by Vilnius Orchestra cond. by Silvano Frontalini
5 performed by Donetsk Philharmonic Orchestra cond. by Silvano Frontalini
15 performed by Donetsk Philharmonic Orchestra cond. by Silvano Frontalini
Johann Strauss II (October 25, 1825 – June 3, 1899), was an Austrian composer of light music, particularly dance music and operettas. He composed over 500 waltzes, polkas, quadrilles, and other types of dance music, as well as several operettas and a ballet. In his lifetime, he was known as "The Waltz King", and was largely then responsible for the popularity of the waltz in Vienna during the 19th century. Strauss was admired by other prominent composers: Richard Wagner once admitted that he liked the waltz "Wein, Weib und Gesang" Op. 333. Johannes Brahms was a personal friend of Strauss; the latter dedicated his waltz "Be Embraced, You Millions!", Op. 443, to him.
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