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Synth Pop / Electronic Music: Skinwalker, by Maurice Noah

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Skinwalker (synth pop / electro pop)
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(best seen in full hd 1080p)

"The greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look". Yourself.

Summer new Maurice Noah's single, Skinwalker's lyrics and video are inspired by lovecraftian science fiction novel Who Goes There? by John W. Campbell, that was already adapted for the screen by Christian Nyby/Howard Hawks (The Thing from Another World, 1951) and John Carpenter (The Thing, 1982).

The original story sees a group of scientists who are forced to defend themselves against a malevolent shape-shifting creature. But what if the creature had not been originally malevolent? What if it was simply confused by a different biology, or even facing a crisis, during its own process of inner growth?

The theme of metamorphosis always fascinated me. I see it as a central theme in the lives of all human beings, even though it lays under, mostly unconscious, so that it often needs mythological narrative to be decoded.
We try and experience the pleasure of being someone else all the time. Everytime we read a book, we watch a tv show or a movie, or we daydream about our champions, we become these characters, we identify ourselves in them.
Perhaps there is something in the stories of other people,
like a way out
- a kind of peace.

Maurice Noah - Skinwalker (Label: THX88 Digital Art Factory - 2013)

Maurice Noah: Vocals, Synthesizers, Drum Machine, additional Guitars
Michele di Lauro: Guitars
Gianni Masci: Backing Vocals
Glo-Ria: Moog Synthesizer

cover by Giulia Bonora
art direction by Vênus et Milö

special creatives:
Matteo D'Amaro, Antonella Vezza, Alessandro di Bella
Nicola Pilotto, Fausto de Bellis, Valeria Napolitano, Beatriz Sampedro Ortiz,
Li Zhiyu, Zhang Yuzhao

Summer new release + sci-fi hd 1080p video
year: 2013
genre: electro pop / synthpop / electronic

Love was a noise before the crash
I was a soldier at war outthere with entropy itself
Falling to Earth, my spacecraft trapped by ice,
I sensed an odd world just standing by in symbiotic life

But I'm a shapeshifter stay aware to never show me your back
I turn myself in you and here I come I'm free from all the suspects

So I switched my mode
from client to host
I manage the difference
despite human weakness

But I'm a shapeshifter and I know that I could never come back
I turn myself in you and here I am there isn't any reject

Freeing you from fear
Freeing you from fear
Enjoy an unexpected run
straight to the osmotic sun
I'll stay stuck in this skin with you
I'll stay stuck in this skin with you
I'll stay stuck in this skin with you
in you

Maurice Noah is an electronic music dj and producer from Italy, co-founder of Dirty House Music label. He played synthesizers with indie Italian band Jolaurlo, whose latest album is Meccanica e Natura released on Irma Records.
Maurice's sound is in someway related to artists and bands such as Moby, New Order, Royksopp, LCD Soundsystem, Nik Kershaw, OMD.
Other tracks:
What I've been made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_kRqT7EK9U
Idolatry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA4d4KJz40c

"Il più grande nemico si nasconde nell'ultimo posto dove guarderesti". Te stesso.

"Testo e Video di Skinwalker, il mio primo singolo dopo l'esperienza Jolaurlo, sono ispirati al libro di fantascienza Who Goes There? di John W. Campbell, da cui sono stati anche tratti gli adattamenti cinematografici di Christian Nyby/Howard Hawks (La cosa da un altro mondo, 1951) e John Carpenter (La cosa, 1982).

La storia originale vede un gruppo di ricercatori scientifici impegnati a difendersi da una creatura mutaforme malevola. E se invece la creatura non fosse stata originalmente malevola, ma semplicemente confusa di fronte alla differente biologia umana, o magari in crisi nel corso di un processo di crescita interiore?

Il tema della metamorfosi mi ha sempre affascinato. Lo vedo come un tema centrale nella vita di tutti gli esseri umani, anche se sotteso, non percepito consapevolmente, tanto che spesso necessita della narrazione mitologica per essere decodificato.
Dimostriamo in continuazione il piacere di voler essere qualcun altro. Ci trasformiamo con la mente in vari personaggi ogni volta che si legge un libro, si guarda un programma televisivo o un film, che si sognano i propri campioni.
Forse troviamo qualcosa nelle storie degli altri,
come una via di uscita,
una specie di pace."

Maurice Noah è un produttore di musica elettronica. Ha suonato i sinth nella band indie pop Jolaurlo, il cui ultimo album è Meccanica e Natura su label Irma Records, e recentemente ha curato l'animazione/effetti speciali del video d'esordio di Una -- Contraria (Martelive).

Musica elettronica
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