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Top 200 Kpop Songs of 2014 (100-1)

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*******PLEASE READ*******
I am sooooo sorry for being late, by a month otl, but I have been really busy preparing for Korea T___T
The ranking is based on a point system from my weekly charts.
*Notice that if a song from 2013 was still on my chart on January week 1 2014, it will gain points counting from December week 1 2013.
A song is given a point every week for the rank they got that particular week:
1st place 35
2nd place 25
3rd place 22
4-5. 18
6-8. 16
9-12. 12
13-16. 10
17-20. 8
21-23. 4
24-25. 1
Also, the song will gain points every week depending on how many weeks it has charted: 1 week: 1 points - 2 weeks: 1+2=3 - 3 weeks 1+2+3=6
Very confusing i'm sorry xD
**Notice that some can have a mark:
+ = Still charting
* = Charted before December Week 1 2013
Thank you so much for watching! Don't forget to Watch my weekly charts every Wednesday!
Top 200 Kpop Songs of 2014 (100-1)
Top kpop 2014
kpop chart
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