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Van Morrison songs playlist of hits - Rhythm and blues Soul bianco

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Northern Ireland, Van Morrison, selections of songs in a playlist of hits Rhythm and blues Soul bianco. Van Morrison He plays several instruments including guitar, harmonica, keyboards, saxophone and occasionally even the drums. According to Rolling Stone, "His influence on rock singers and songwriters is unmatched by any living artist, except for Bob Dylan." In addition, it can easily be recognized in the music of many artists such as U2 (especially The Unforgettable Fire), Bruce Springsteen (Spirit in the Night, Backstreets), Bob Seger, Rod Stewart, Patti Smith (responsible for a poetic-proto-punk version of Gloria), Graham Parker, Thin Lizzy, Dexys Midnight Runners and many others. Among these Bob Seger, who in an interview with Creem said: "I know Springsteen was very much affected by Van Morrison, and so was I" ( "I know that Springsteen was very influenced by Van Morrison, and so too").

Nord Irlandese, Van Morrison, selezioni di canzoni in una playlist dei successi. Van Morrison Suona diversi strumenti tra i quali chitarra, armonica a bocca, tastiere, sassofono e occasionalmente anche la batteria. Secondo Rolling Stone, «La sua influenza sui cantanti e cantautori rock non ha paragoni con alcun artista vivente, fatta eccezione per Bob Dylan». Inoltre, può essere riconosciuta facilmente nella musica di molti artisti quali gli U2 (soprattutto The Unforgettable Fire), Bruce Springsteen (Spirit in the Night, Backstreets), Bob Seger, Rod Stewart, Patti Smith (responsabile di una versione poetica-proto-punk di Gloria), Graham Parker, Thin Lizzy, Dexys Midnight Runners e molti altri.Tra questi Bob Seger, che in un'intervista a Creem ha affermato: «I know Springsteen was very much affected by Van Morrison, and so was I» ("so che Springsteen è stato molto influenzato da Van Morrison, e così anche io").

Irlanda del Norte, Van Morrison, selecciones de canciones en una lista de éxitos. Van Morrison Toca varios instrumentos que incluyen guitarra, órgano bucal, teclados, saxofón y ocasionalmente hasta los tambores. Según Rolling Stone, "su influencia en cantantes de rock y compositores no tiene rival en ningún artista vivo, a excepción de Bob Dylan". Además, puede ser fácilmente reconocido en la música de muchos artistas como U2 (especialmente The Unforgettable Fire), Bruce Springsteen (Espíritu en la noche, Backstreets), Bob Seger, Rod Stewart, Patti Smith (responsable de una versión poético-proto-punk de Gloria), Graham Parker, Thin Lizzy, Dexys Midnight Runners y muchos otros. Entre ellos Bob Seger, quien en una entrevista con Creem dijo: "Sé que Springsteen se vio muy afectado por Van Morrison, y yo también" ( "Sé que Springsteen estuvo muy influenciado por Van Morrison, y también").
北アイルランド、ヴァン・モリソン、ヒット曲の曲の選択。 ヴァン・モリソンギター、ハーモニカ、キーボード、サクソフォン、時にはドラムの楽器を演奏する。 ローリングストーンによれば、「ロック・シンガーとソングライターに対する彼の影響は、ボブ・ディランを除いて、どの生きているアーティストにとっても類を見ない」 さらに、U2(特にThe Unforgettable Fire)、Bruce Springsteen(夜のSpirit in Backstreet)、Bob Seger、Rod Stewart、Patti Smith(詩的な原始パンクのバージョンを担当しているアーティスト)の音楽でも簡単に認識できます グレアム・パーカー、シン・リージー、デキシス・ミッドナイト・ランナーなど多くの人が参加した。ボブ・シーガーは、クリームとのインタビューで「バーンステインがバンモリソンの影響を非常に受けていることを知っている。 「私はSpringsteenがVan Morrisonの影響を強く受けていることも知っています。

Reminds Me of You 05:39 3 - When the Leaves Come Falling Down 05:38 2
Whenever God Shines His Light 04:53 2 - Warm Love 03:21 2
Wild Night 03:33 0 - Why Must I Always Explain? 03:54 0
Wavelength 05:12 0 - Warm Love 01:06 0
Tupelo Honey 06:56 0 - Sometimes We Cry 05:20 0
Queen of the Slipstream 04:30 0
Madame George 09:44 0 - Listen to the Lion 11:08 0
It Once Was My Life 05:03 0
I'm Not Feeling It Anymore 06:37 0 - Have I Told You Lately 04:20 0
Days Like This 03:15 0 - Burning Ground 05:38 0
Avalon of the Heart 04:51 0 - Sense of Wonder 07:15 0
These Are the Days 05:12 0 - Take Me Back 09:07 0
T.B. Sheets 09:34 0 - Someone Like You 04:10 0
Philosophers Stone 06:20 0 - Only a Dream 05:00 0
Saint Dominic's Preview 06:25 1
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