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"Vangelis" FULL ALBUM Electronic Synthesizer Music Jean Michel jarre 2014 - 2015 by Arnaud van Beek

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Bandcamp: https://avbmp.bandcamp.com/album/flying-electronic-dream-music
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Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00REZ25K2/ref=dm_ws_sp_ps_dp
Googleplay: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Arnaud_van_Beek_Flying_Electronic_Dream_Music?id=Bygsmjvklllbohdrw3xfsa2kldu
Also available in a lot of other online stores. Just search in your favorite store with "arnaud van beek".

"Flying" Electronic Dream Music
Composed and Produced by Arnaud van Beek
© 2014 AVB Music Productions

This dream music is influenced by all known electronic musicians like Kitaro, Vangelis, Kraftwerk. Powerfull synthesizer music.

You can listen to the tracks in the following order:
1. a Bird Sound 0:00 (Life played and recorded)
2. The King 5:27
3. a Birds Flight 10.30
4. Bird Love 15:38
5. New Life has Started 22.31
6. Crying 27:31 (Life played and recorded)
7. Young Birds 32:30 (Life played and recorded)
8. a Season of Joy 38:17
9. Days Arasing 42:00 (Life played and recorded)
10. Peaceful Flight 48:34 (Life played and recorded)

Original album "Peregrine falcons 2007". In 2014 remastered and without some bird sounds.
All the bird sounds in the music are from the Peregrine Falcon.
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