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Silver Telly - Highest Honor in TV Programs, Segments, or Promotional Pieces - Art Direction | 2012 Telly Awards

Silver Telly - Highest Honor in Non-Broadcast Productions - Art Direction | 2012 Telly Awards

Bronze Telly - Non-Broadcast Productions - Music/Concert | 2012 Telly Awards

Bronze Telly - TV Programs, Segments, or Promotional Pieces - Music Video | 2012 Telly Awards

Awarded Platinum Remi for Best Rock Music Video | 2011 Houston WorldFest

Awarded Best Special FX & Animation in a Music Video | 2011 FirstGlance Film Fest Philadelphia

Awarded Best Animation in a Music Video | 2011 DC World Music & Independent Film Festival

Awarded Most Creative Music Video | 2011 DC World Music & Independent Film Festival

Nominated in four categories at the DC World Music & Independent Film Festival: Best In Animation, Best Rock Music Video, Most Creative Video and Best Director.

Featured on Motionographer, Stash 84, The Tripatorium, Awsome Robo

11th Annual AniFest in the Czech Republic
4th Annual SIGGRAPH Asia; Electronic Theater
38th Annual SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Fest
The San Francisco International Festival of Short Films
7th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival
14th Annual FirstGlance Film Fest Philadelphia
Chicago International Movies & Music Fest
British Independent Film Festival
5th Annual Dallas International Film Festival
44th Annual International WorldFest Film Festival Houston
2nd Annual World Music & Independent Film Festival, Washington D.C.

“Take Your Medicine” is the second single off Transfer’s debut album,“Future Selves,” slated for a September 19th release on Cool Green Recordings/Mascot Label Group. The video is Directed by Nader Husseini and produced/edited by Amy Grieshaber. Radium/Reel FX turnkeyed the spot.

The team used After Effects as the main compositing software. They combined the 2D drawings and paintings and 3D animation and digital effects into a single space in order to create a highly textured look. In addition to lighting and compositing the CG characters and props in Maya, the team used Maya Toon, Maya Hair and Maya nCloth, manipulating and merging techniques not typically used in the studio’s CG pipeline. Pre-compositing 3D components in Nuke ensured an efficient workflow. These files were also color-corrected and incorporated into the 2D environments in After Effects. Using Maya Paint FX in conjunction with cloth simulations and digital effects added to the video’s unique style.

Order the Transfer, Future Selves album here:
AMAZON UK: http://amzn.to/o2O5tc HMV: http://bit.ly/q3oqYP Play .com: http://bit.ly/pwr37L

Nader Husseini

Producer, Editor/
Amy Grieshaber

Executive Creative Director/
Dale Carman

Concept Artists/
Nader Husseini
Yashar Tahtolkassai

Motion Designers/
Nader Husseini
Byron Slaybaugh
Christopher Vela

Additional Design/
Erin McGuire
Dustin D'Arnault

Production Coordinator/ Taylor Lee Williams
Production Assistant/ Meghan A. Cole

Technical Director, Rigging Supervisor, Cloth Artist/
Kyle Wood

Nathan Smithson
Brandon Stoker

Additional Modeling/
Seth Olson
Alison Donato

Texturing Supervisor, Lighting, Compositing Supervisor/
Brandon Stoker

Texturing, Lighting/
Brandon Stoker, Lauren Davis, Seth Olson,
Chris Browne, Connon Carey, Julie Terrell, Hollan Holmes

Particle Effects, Layout/
Joseph P. Johnston, Mark Thielen

Animation Supervisor/
Ernesto Bottger

Jeff Weidner, Randy Hayes, Trevor Young, Eric Drobile,
Ray Chase, Drew Winey, Jimm Pegan, Matt Kummer, Monica Aston

Dag Ivarsoy, Jared Brower

Sound Designers/
Frank Pittenger, TJ Callaway, Matt Pittman

Layout Supervisor/
Mark Thielen

Live Action Producer/
Laura Wallgren

Live Action Assistant Director/
James Boisvenue

Live Action DP/
Julio Quintana

Special Thanks To/
Jay Galvan, Jolyn Janis and Danny Delpurgatorio for consultation on live action story and integration.
radium, reelfx, nader husseini, Take Your Medicine, Transfer, nader
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