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DJ Digital - Fan Appreciation Giveaway

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In celebration of reaching 70,000 YouTube Subscribers and 3,000 Facebook Page Likes, I'm having another giveaway.

This time it's not really a contest, other than to see how creative you the fans can be.

To participate:
1. Be a subscriber to my YouTube Channel and/or Follow me on my Facebook Page.

2. Email your entry to [email protected]
a. Entry should include your YouTube and/or Facebook Profile name
b. Entry should also include a reason why you should get this prize.

3. The most original response will be the winner!

In the event I get tons of very unique responses, then I'll pick a winner at random.

Entries must be received by October 10, 2015 at Midnight (0:00) HST (GMT -1000). The winner will be announced on October 15, 2015.

If you're not subscribed yet, then click here: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=DJDigitalHI

If you want to Like me on Facebook, click here:

Good luck!

These giveaways will probably be more frequent. I'm hoping to do this every 2,500 new subscribers. So if you want more giveaways sooner, help to get more subscribers and likes on my Facebook page.

As always, thanks for the continued support!

Follow me on:
Website: http://www.djdigital.info
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/DJDigitalHI
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DJDigitalKPopCharts
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+DJDigitalHI
Twitter: https://twitter.com/djdigitalhi
Tumblr: https://djdigitalhi.tumblr.com
Internet Radio: http://djdigital.caster.fm
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