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Get caught up with this week's new K-Pop Song releases and stuff I might have missed on my charts with K-Pop ICYMI (In Case You Missed It). Here's a spotlight on some of the latest K-Pop (including, Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, Dance and K-Indie) releases for April 2016 Week 4 (week ending April 30, 2016).

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Here are the list of songs--since it's not ranked, no spoilers here :)!

AC Block:
Kim Woojoo (김우주) - Crying Out Love (세상에 외치다)
Jung Hee Chul [ZE:A] (정희철) - First Love
VIDAN (비단) - Wishes of the Rings (가락지의 꿈)
Choi Moon Seok (최문석) - Tell Me (말해줘)
Paul Lim (임바울) - In My Dream
EZ Hyoung (이지형) - Cherry Blossom Wedding (벚꽃웨딩)
Ignite Feat. Yoo Jiwon (이그나이트, 유지원) - Laughing and Crying (웃었다가 울었다가)
Joy o'clock (조이어클락) - I'm Fine (괜찮습니다)
Yoon Jong Shin (윤종신) - Billy
Monday Kiz (먼데이 키즈) - Your Voice (너의 목소리)
Eddy Kim & Lee Sungkyoug (에디킴, 이성경) - Sweet Kiss Like Coffee (내 입술 따뜻한 커피처럼)
Hwang Chi Yeol (황치열) - Without You (너 없이 못 살아)
Hong Dae Kwang (홍대광) - When In Hongdae (홍대에 가면)

OST Block:
2BiC (투빅) - Enduring (참아) (Goodbye Mr. Black (굿바이 미스터 블랙) OST)
GARY Feat. MiWoo (개리, 우혜미) - Tantara [Entertainer] (딴따라) (Entertainer (딴따라) OST)

K-Indie / Rock Block:
No Brain (노브레인) - My Leather Jacket (내 가죽잠바)
No Brain (노브레인) - Living Paycheck To Paycheck (하루살이)
Mintgray (민트그레이) - I Din't Know
Inlayer - MINDJACK
TAEK (택) - Liar
Lou.de (라데) - Disrespectful Breakup (존중받지 못한 이별)
Blue Eyes (블루아일리즈) - Play Ground

EDM / Dance Block:
Song Joon Yong (송준용) - Stars
Retro Twang (레트로 트왱) - Bickering (티격태격)

R&B / Hip-Hop Block:
Choyoung (초영) - Anymore
Edison Feat. ONKI (에디슨) - Dive
Shinzo Feat. Hong Hyukju (신조, 홍혁수) - Steal Heart
CRA'BEAT (크라빗) - W8 (잠깐만)
Babylon (베이빌론) - Between Us (너 나 우리)
Yang Da Il (양다일) - She Didn't Love Me (사랑했던걸까)
Denis Project Feat. No One (데니스 프로젝트, 노훈) - Still Thinking Of You (사랑이 끝나고 생각에 잠기고)
Yong Jun Hyung [BEAST] Feat. Davii (용준형) - After This Moment (이 노래가 끝나면)
San-E X Chancellor (산이, 챈슬러) - Dish (안주거리)
Verbal Jint X Yang Da Il (버벌진트, 양다일) - Today (오늘 쓱)
Mighty Mouth Feat. Soya (마이티마우스, 소야) - Nice 2 Meet U

Pop Block:
CoCoSoRi (코코소리) - Exquisite! (절묘해)
Hwang Inseon (황인선) - Emoticon (이모티콘)
Cando X Daeun (캔도 X 다은) - One and Only You (썸유도 공원)
Various (베리어스) - U (너만을 원해)
Lovelyz (러블리즈) - Destiny (나의 지구)
APRIL (에이프릴) - Tinkerbell (팅커벨)
TWICE (트와이스) - Cheer Up
SEVENTEEN (세븐틴) - Pretty U (예쁘다)

Be sure to check back each week to see the latest releases in K-Pop, K-Hip-Hop, K-Dance, K-Rock and K-Indie releases. And tell your friends too!

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All videos/audio clips property of the respective record label, distribution company, writers, publishers and content owners. Support the artists and buy their music at your favorite music shop/online store!
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