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Get caught up with this week's new K-Pop Song releases and stuff I might have missed on my charts with K-Pop ICYMI (In Case You Missed It). Here's a spotlight on some of the latest K-Pop (including, Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, Dance and K-Indie) releases for May 2016 Week 4 (week ending May 28, 2016).

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Here are the list of songs--since it's not ranked, no spoilers here :)!

AC Block:
Song Hee Ran (송희란) - Baby
HONGCHA (홍차) - Cheer Up (힘내쏭)
CHEEZE (치즈) - Mood Indigo (무드 인디고)
O.When (오왠) - Today (오늘)
Jin Hae Sung Feat. Eunha (진해성, 출연) - Wonderful Girl (멋진여자)
Shin Ji Hoon (신지훈) - Jungle Gym (정글짐)
Coda Bridge (코다 브릿지) - Come To My Heart (내맘에 놀러와)
Solji & Hani (솔지하니) - To Me Again 2016 (2016 내게 다시)
Chen X Chanyeol (첸 X 찬열) - If We Love Again 2016 (2016 다시 사랑한다면)
Son Ho Young (손호영) - My Weak Point (나의 약점)
Urban Zakapa (어반자카파) - I Don't Love You (널 사랑하지 않아)

OST Block:
LYn (린) - Want To Be Free (바람에 머문다) (Dear My Friends (디어 마이 프렌즈) OST)
Roy Kim (로이킴) - Maybe I (어쩌면 나) (Another Oh Hae Young (또 오해영) OST)
Minah (민아) - My First Kiss (Beautiful Gong Shim (미녀 공심이) OST)
Ailee & Truedy (에일리, 트루디) - I Can't Live Without You (니가 있어야 살아) (Entertainer (딴따라) OST)

EDM / Dance Block:
DJ Hanmin Feat. Goldtea - Pull Up
Space Cowboy Feat. Palo Alto (스페이스카우보이, 팔로알토) - Grotesque

K-Indie / Rock Block:
Hello Rana (라나) - Wind (바람)
Choi Young Tae (최영태) - Nothing To Say (아무 말 없이)
Temperature of Saying Hi Feat. Grace (안녕의 온도) - One Sided Love (짝사랑)
Sugardonut (슈가도넛) - Flower In The Night (검은 꽃)
We Are The Night (위아더나잇) - Dial (부재중)
Drug Restaurant (드럭 레스토랑) - Mistake

R&B / Hip-Hop Block:
Oriental Showcus (오리엔탈쇼커스) - PUZZLE
2U (투유) - Fallin' (빠졌어)
SoLaTi (쏠라티) - What More Can I Say (무슨 말을 더 해)
Big Brain (빅브레인) - Love, Love
Tae Wan [C-Luv] (태완) - What Do I Call This Feeling (뭐라고 불러)
kkakku Feat. An Seulhee (까꾸, 안슬희) - Our Melody (너와 나의 멜로디)
Takers (테이커스) - Wowx4
BNa Feat. DONO (비나) - Amazing
SKULL (스컬) - Get Rich
Sik-K Feat. Jay Park (식케이, 박재범) - Alcohol (알콜은 싫지만 주면 마실 수 밖에)
Born Kim & Life and Time (본킴 & 라이프 앤 타임) - goes on
Samuel Seo (서사무엘) - B L U E
Gil Feat. Lee Hi & Verbal Jint (길, 이하이, 버벌진트) - Refrigerator (냉장고)

Pop Block:
Kei.G Feat. Jung Jin Woo (케이지, 정진우) - Look At You (널 봐)
Baby Boo (베이비부) - Kiss Me
BOYFRIEND (보이프렌드) - To My Bestfriend (약속할게)
Park Kyung Feat. Eunha (박경, 은하) - Inferiority Complex (자격지심)
M.A.P6 - Swagger Time (매력발산타임)
TAHITI (타히티) - I Want To Know Your Mind (알쏭달쏭)
OH MY GIRL (오마이걸) - Windy Day (윈디데이)
Amber (엠버) - Need To Feel Needed
ROMEO (로미오) - Nightmare (악몽)
Baek A Yeon (백아연) - So-So (쏘쏘)
Jonghyun (종현) - She Is (좋아)

Be sure to check back each week to see the latest releases in K-Pop, K-Hip-Hop, K-Dance, K-Rock and K-Indie releases. And tell your friends too!

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All videos/audio clips property of the respective record label, distribution company, writers, publishers and content owners. Support the artists and buy their music at your favorite music shop/online store!
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