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OM SO HUM Mantra Meditation to Cultivate Present Moment Awareness | 11 Mins of Meditation @Everyday

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OM SO HUM or Soham Mantra Meditation is a very simple but a powerful tool, which can be used to relax the body and calm our cluttered minds. Bringing it back to the present moment. Being fully aware of now!! Thats the goal of today's meditation.
Thanks for tuning into our 11 Mins of Meditation,.. Here is how to do this meditation properly.
Choose a comfortable place to meditate. You can sit on a chair or a couch, or on floor in crosslegged position.
Take a few deep breaths, and when you are ready, play the track and close your eyes.
Take a slow, long deep breath as the bell is struck and chant OM So Hum as you breathe out.
In might take a couple of minutes to match the rhythm of you chant along with the track, just keep you focus on the the breathing and chanting.
Do this exercise along with the track for 11 mins. You can do this any time of the day. As the track finishes, do not try to rush out of the meditation, sit still for a couple of moments. breathing effortlessly. observe your inner self. And slowly open your eyes, as you emerge out of this meditation.
Hope this will help.
Infinite Love and Gratitude!!
Meditative Mind
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