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K-Pop New Releases - February 2017 Week 2 - K-Pop ICYMI

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Get caught up with this week's new K-Pop Song releases and stuff I might have missed on my charts with K-Pop ICYMI (In Case You Missed It). Here's a spotlight on some of the latest K-Pop (including, Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, Dance and K-Indie) releases for February 2017 Week 2 (week ending February 11, 2017).

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Here is the list of songs--since it's not ranked, no spoilers here :)!

AC Block:
E.Lin (이린) - When You Feel Lonely
Grace Shin (그레이스 신) - The Faith
PLASTIC (플라스틱) - Wonderland (원더랜드)
Tritops (트리탑스) - I See You (그댈 봅니다)
Who R U (후아유) - I Say
Lydia Lee (리디아 리) - Blue
The Lush (더러쉬) - I Belong To You
Im Se Jun (임세준) - In The End, It's You (결국 너야)
SunnyHill (써니힐) - Crossroads (두 갈래 길)

OST Block:
Kim Yuna (김윤아) - Yeon (연) (Saimdang, Memoir of Colors (사임당, 빛의 일기) OST)
SE O (서오) - LIGHT (Here Comes Robo KDI-109! (109 별일 다 있네) OST)
Seo In Guk (서인국) - Flower (꽃) (Tomorrow With You (내일 그대와) OST)
Sandeul (산들) - One More Step (한 걸음만 더) (Introverted Boss (내성적인 보스) OST)
Suho Feat. Remi (수호, 레미) - Starlight (낮에 뜨는 별) (Star of the Universe (우주의 별이) OST)
Hong Jin Young (홍진영) - Loves Me, Loves Me Not (사랑한다 안한다) (Fabricated City (조작된도시) Special OST)
Park Seojun (박서준) - Our Tears (서로의 눈물이 되어) (Hwarang (화랑) OST)

K-Indie / Rock Block:
SBGB (새벽공방) - CARD CAPTOR SAKURA (카드캡터체리)
Hunine Band (후니네밴드) - Freeze Tag (얼음땡)
People and People (사람또사람) - Reset Button (리셋버튼)
Humming Urban Stereo (허밍어반스테레오) - MWAH (므와)
BeautyHandsome (뷰티핸섬) - The Game
Jung Joon Young Feat. Jang Hyejin (정준영, 장혜진) - Me and You (나와 너)
DAY6 (데이식스) - You Were Beautiful (예뻤어)

EDM / Dance Block:
Sixbomb (식스밤) - Before (예뻐지는 중입니다)
From The Airport (프럼 디 에어포트) - Go or Die (Korean Version)

R&B / Hip-Hop Block:
Rhythm Power (리듬파워) - Bangsaneung [Radioactive] (방사능)
Don Mills (던밀스) - Mr. Trap Hwang
Marvel J Feat. Changmo & Don Mills (마블제이, 창모, 던밀스) - Forgive Me
Superbee Feat. Tiger JK, Double K, Junoflo & myunDo - Pattern
San-E (산이) - Counselor (카운셀러)
Molly.D Feat. 8Dro (몰리디, 팔드로) - Blue
Zaystin (제이스틴) - Why'd You (왜 그대)
J'Kyun Feat. Cherry Coke (제이켠) - Hmmbbuk [Soaking] (흠뻑)
BGM4 - Cream Cake (크림 케이크)
STi (스티) - We Click
Skull Feat. Verbal Jint & KittiB (스컬, 버벌진트, 키디비) - Crazy

Pop Block:
LUAH (루아) - Feelin' It (Dance)
H.U.B - Girl Gang (미친듯이)
1NB (원앤비) - Stalker (스토커)
Park Heykyoung X Long:D (박혜경 X 롱디) - Nerd Girl
AOA (에이오에이) - With Elvis
BEATWIN (비트윈) - Don’t Leave (떠나지 말아요)
CROSS GENE (크로스진) - Black or White
SF9 (에스에프나인) - ROAR (부르릉)
NCT DREAM - My First and Last (마지막 첫사랑)
Wonder Girls (원더걸스) - Draw Me (그려줘)
Block B (블락비) - Yesterday

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All videos/audio clips property of the respective record label, distribution company, writers, publishers and content owners. Support the artists and buy their music at your favorite music shop/online store!
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