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K-Pop New Releases - January 2021 Week 1 - K-Pop ICYMI

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Get caught up with this week's new K-Pop Song releases and stuff I might have missed on my charts with K-Pop ICYMI (In Case You Missed It). Here's a spotlight on some of the latest K-Pop (including, Pop, Hip-Hop, Rock, Dance and K-Indie) releases for January 2021 Week 1 (week ending January 2, 2021).

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AC Block:
Song I Han (송이한) - I Will Be Your Shining Star (밝게 빛나는 별이 되어 비춰줄게)
WILLOW (윌로우) - Let's Just Sing
Jeon Sang Keun (전상근) - I Still (내 방)
Lee MinHyuk (이민혁) - PLAY (재생)
20 Years of Age (스무살) - Closer (Me Before You)
DALsooobin (달수빈) - Eyes like Snow (눈 닮은 눈)
Ryu Sera (류세라) - Lean On Me (기대)
Yoon Jong Shin (윤종신) - Destiny
Song Ga In (송가인) - I Like Trot (트로트가 나는 좋아요)
Song Ga In (송가인) - Dream (꿈 (夢))
Huh Gak (허각) - How Did We (우린 어쩌다 헤어진 걸까)
Kim Feel (김필) - Sleeplessness (불면)

OST Block:
Seonwoo Junga (선우정아) - Time To Realize (Maple Story M (메이플스토리M) OST)
Gonia with sEODo (고니아, 서도) - Song of Shame (망신가) (Please Don't Hate Him (제발 그 남자 만나지 마요) OST)
JeA (제아) - Fade Out (Cheat On Me If You Can (바람피면 죽는다) OST)
Solar (솔라(마마무)) - Blue Bird (Run On (런 온) OST)
Baek Ji Young (백지영) - My Light (Run On (런 온) OST)

K-Indie / Rock Block:
greener (그리너) - Drift (유영)
Serious Frog (심각한 개구리) - You Forgot Everything (다 잊었더라)
Sihwang Feat. Aleph (시황) - D.M.B (Deaf, Mute, Blind) (꽃)
DUSKY80, Band Nah Feat, Son Hye Eun (나상현씨밴드, 손혜은) - Delusional (망상가)
Sýn Hjang (신향 ) - Sugar Glider (하늘다람쥐)
Lanalogue (라날로그) - Seoul! (서울)
cott (콧) - far

EDM / Dance Block:
0NN1 Feat. RadioFear - Outrage

R&B / Hip-Hop Block:
AHNSURAM(안수람) - Flower Way (꽃길)
Paper ℃up, BEAGLE, Yudam, BR!K, CuRvY (페이퍼컵, 비글, 유담, 커비) - LATE NIGHT
Queen WA$ABII (퀸 와사비) - I Forgot (까먹었다)
MINOS (마이노스) - 2020 Wonder Kiddy (2020 원더키디)
Sinna Ryu (신나 류) - In My Room (내 방 가득히)
Young Key Feat. Kuro (김민규) - BB
Minje Feat. Suran (민제) - Slow
Brown Tigger Feat. Jeebanoff (브라운티거) - Twenty-Ten Years Old (스물열살)
GroovyRoom X Hoody (그루비룸, 후디) - Follow Your Light
Yang Da Il (양다일) - Sometimes (요즘)

Pop Block:
DONGKIZ (동키즈) - It's All Right
Rocket Punch (로켓펀치) - The The
Baek Yerin (백예린) - You're So Lonely Now, So You Need Me Back By Your Side
Kim Sung Kyu (김성규) - Climax
fromis_9 (프로미스나인) - Starry Night (별의 밤)
VERIVERY (베리베리) - Gravity (소중력)
P1Harmony (피원하모니) - Breakthrough (틀)
EDEN, ATEEZ, Maddox, Eden-ary (이든, 에이티즈, 마독스) - Call Me Anytime
woo!ah! (우아!) – I Don’t Miss U
ASTRO (아스트로) - We Still (Be With U)
Rain X JYP (비 X 박진영) - Switch To Me (나로 바꾸자)
SMTOWN - Hope (빛)

▶ Outro Song:
Track: Rogers & Dean - No Doubt [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/NoDoubtYO

▶ Follow Me!
Website: http://www.djdigital.info
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Internet Radio: https://goo.gl/2Vt3mE

All videos/audio clips property of the respective record label, distribution company, writers, publishers and content owners. Support the artists and buy their music at your favorite music shop/online store!

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k-pop songs, kpop songs, k-pop
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